Bhagavan Sri Krishna as Mahayogesvara : 1. - Swami Krishnananda

Bhagavan Sri Krishna is called Mahayogeshvara.

The great Lord of Yoga is supposed to be associated with the master of dextrous action, Arjuna.

"Yatra yogesvarah krishno
yatra partho dhanur-dharah
tatra srir vijayo bhutir
dhruva nitir matir mama" (Gita 18.78).

“There shall be peace and happiness and prosperity of every kind where there is the Lord of Yoga, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, and the master of action, the wielder of the instrument of work, Arjuna. When these two powers unite, perfection ensues.” With these words, the Bhagavadgita concludes.

We all aspire for perfection. We would like to have perfect health and a perfected form of education, a perfection in our fulfilment of needs and the acquirement of our appurtenances of life. We resent imperfection of any kind. We do not like a lacuna to be seen anywhere. Everything should be clean, tip-top, and elegant. The word that indicates all these ideas in our mind is ‘perfection’.

It is the dictum of the Gita that perfection is certain to be attained where these two essential factors are blended together. What are these two factors that have to go together, hand in hand, for the purpose of the achievement of perfection in life?

Yoga is one of the factors, whose embodiment here in this context is the master Bhagavan Sri Krishna, and perfection in dealing with things, which is embodied in the dexterity of his friend and disciple, Arjuna.

As a Yoga Shastram, it is the declaration of an art of living. It is an answer to the question how we can be happy and how we can be free from the pains caused by imperfections of any kind.

We have a detailed enunciation of this pithy statement throughout the Bhagavadgita gospel—how an inner communion of spirit which is yoga has to be always in consonance with the impulse to work, to do anything, to perform the duties of life.

To be continued ..


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