The Glory of God : A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahapuranam : 3.7 - Swami Krishnananda.
================================================== Hari om Golden memories from our recent Chardham Tour. Inauguration of our Yatra by Sri Rajesh Sethi ji and Yuvadher Singh in the presence of the Mayor of Dehradun. Swami Udit Chaithanya and devotees of Bhagavatham village ================================================= Sunday, January 16, 2022. 6:00. AM. Chapter 3 : KAPILA’S INSTRUCTIONS TO DEVAHUTI - 7. =================================================== At the beginning of the attempt of spiritual practice, the sense organs feel a deficiency and an incapacity of an incomparable nature. There is a dark cloud hanging in front of us, and light will not be there in the earlier stages. The reason for the darkness in front of us—the opposition of ugliness and terror at the very outset—is due to a reaction set up by the dissatisfied senses which have not been given their fill by the objects of sense. The poison, therefore, is created by a circumstance of repu...