
Showing posts from May 16, 2019

The Glory of God : A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahapuranam : 3. by Swami Krishnananda

17/05/2019 Discourse 1: King Parikshit’s Question to Suka Maharishi -3 Parikshit put a question: “What is good for man, especially at this hour when my life is about to end?” How are we to answer this question? What is good for any person? In the freezing heights of the Himalayas, it is good to have a blanket over oneself. But a blanket is not good in the hot deserts of Africa; we would like to have cold water there. When we are hungry, it is good to have delicious food; when we are vomiting due to illness, it is good not to eat at all. Anyone who desires his or her own good cannot answer this question of what is actually good for oneself, because whatever answer we give, we will find it is connected to some cause thereof, and it is not the final good. Riches will end, the body will wither, and life is uncertain. None of these things connected with life in this world can be regarded as really good in their ultimate sense. Then, what is really good for the human individual