Bhagavan Sri Krishna is called Mahayogeshvara : 6.Swami Krishnananda


This superhuman-associated factor is designated here as the yoga-shakti of the superman Bhagavan Sri Krishna; and as the Gita is a yoga shastra, a scripture of the daily performance of spiritual sadhana, it amounts to saying that not only the so-called spiritual outlook of seekers of Truth, but even what we wrongly call the secular side of work—both these have to be actively cognizant of the operation of forces beyond themselves.

There is the tendency in everything to transcend itself. The dissatisfaction which everyone and everything feels in himself, herself or itself is the urge for a self-transcendence ingrained in all individuality throughout nature. We cannot stagnate in a given condition of our existence. There is growth and change and transmutation seen everywhere, within as well as without. This impulse to self-transcend is the secret working of a power which is not visible to ordinary eyes but which incessantly works everywhere. Winkless is the act of God. Sleepless is nature. Man may sleep, but nature does not sleep. We may take rest, but creation does not take rest. It is incessantly active towards the achievement of a great purpose that it has placed before itself—namely, the gathering of all its forces into a singleness of consciousness and action, meditation and work, which both blend into a single being in that perfect absoluteness which is called God Almighty.

In a very interesting manner, there has been a union between Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Arjuna throughout this epic performance. They are companions, friends. Bhagavan Sri Krishna was a friend, a companion, a guide and a philosopher to Arjuna; but he was also a Guru. A Guru is a master who has a say over the very soul of the disciple; and the Guru does not impart mere external instruction as we have in schools, but motivates the growth and impulsion of the soul of the student. God Himself may be said to be a friend of all. God is the friend of all creatures. But he is not merely a friend; He is the soul of all beings, the Lord over all things.

The power of yoga is, therefore, an externally conditioning and restraining power in our day-to-day life. But beyond that it is a disciplining power, internally, in terms of our own consciousness—the very self of ours. Yoga cannot be known by anybody except by yoga itself. Yoga does not arise from some person; yoga arises only from yoga. Intriguing indeed is this statement! Yoga is not a commodity that comes from outside. It is not grown in a field or stocked in a market. It cannot be purchased. It has no weight or any kind of measurement characteristic of things. The practice of yoga, therefore, is not just a physical performance, because everything that is physical is measurable; but yoga is immeasurable. It is also not a work of some kind that we do, because every work is finite and also measurable, and yoga is immeasurable. It is not a good deed and a praiseworthy action, merely, that is commendable to human society, because even that is perishable in its end; and yoga is imperishable.

To be continued ...


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